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Spiritual Formation  - What is it ?
Spiritual Formation has three levels which organized by SF-HK

All free of charge ... only to those really want to grow in Christ through the group.​


Level 1   Nov-Dec. 2014  ; Apirl-June 2015 ;  April-June 2017 ; July 2017 for Youth

Level 2   March -April 2015 ;   

Level 3   Oct.-Nov. 2015   Sept-Dec. 2017 * Tentative

All group Maximum 12 people, usually 8, Conduct in Cantonese


Who should take such course ?


For those accepted Christ more than 2 years ... and who want to know more about Inward journey ...


Any Charge ?
100% No Charge, but commitment is MUST
Why Password protected ? 
 Some of them


Can you (your existing Bible Study group) asking someone
to organize a Spiritual Formation Group for you ?

Yes, just email to us ... and see how we arrange ...


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